Program Schedule

Program Schedule For Little Gardeners

May 2022 – September 2022

  • Formulating the business plan, clearing objectives and managing logistics
  • Collecting funds, arranging meetings and discussing partnerships and sponsorships
  • Creating an inventory plan, contacting vendors, managing budget
  • Designing the garden and planting schedule 

September 2022 – November 2022

  • Purchasing tools and building materials, clearing the gardening space
  • Setting up the space, building gardening beds and structures, preparing the soil
  • Discussing partnerships with schools and arranging future visits and excursions
  • Popularizing the project, gathering and recruiting volunteers

November 2022 – February 2023

  • Maintaining the garden grounds and making additions such as but not limited to adding pots and square foot gardening beds, hanging baskets, building trellises and vertical garden structures 
  • Purchasing seeds, bulbs or seedlings
  • Propagating and/or sprouting seeds, pre-planting in pots
  • Creating a visit schedule centered around planting – guessing which seeds belong to which plant, painting and creating mosaics with seeds, exploring the contents of soil and the conditions specific for baby plants, differentiating between herbs, edible and non edible flowers, etc. Purchasing additional materials accordingly.
  • Finalizing the planting schedule and the excursion schedule, finalizing assigning open hours to volunteers

March 2023

  • Hosting and opening for all volunteers, welcoming the first visitors
  • Preparing the soil for planting, planting the first crops
  • Maintaining site – removing weeds, watering, cleaning, decorating
  • Preparing arts and crafts and hand on hand activities for the next planting cycle.

April 2023 – May 2023

  • Planting new crops and hosting assigned visits for each according to the visit schedule centered around planting.
  • Maintaining site – removing weeds, watering, cleaning, fertilizing and spraying against pests if needed.
  • Creating a new visit schedule centered around harvesting – the change that plans go through from seeds to adult plants growing fruit and forming new seeds, comparing pictures of the different stages, playing mixing and matching games,  comparing home grown vegetables and store bought, recognizing the different parts of the plants, etc.

June 2023 – August 2023

  • Harvesting different crops and hosting assigned visits for each according to the visit schedule centered around harvesting.
  • Donating the harvested vegetables, including a class visit in the donation process, having a lecture on donation, food banks and sustainable eating.
  • Maintaining site – removing weeds, watering, cleaning, undercutting.
  • Creating a new visit schedule centered around the end of the gardening calendar – autumn outdoor activities, painting with the fallen leaves, recognizing the change that nature goes through, playing perennial vs annual plants bingo, exploring the change in conditions and the bugs that the rain attracts, etc.

September 2023 – November 2023

  • Hosting the last assigned visits according to the visit schedule centered around the end of the gardening calendar.
  • Setting up the ground for winter.
  • Making a final cleaning and repairing of potential damages, setting up for next year.